“I once worked with a woman who had a half million pound trust overseas, who took out a very expensive mortgage on a property in London, where she and her family were based at the time. She didn’t want to touch the trust money, not for any financial reason, but because it would mean admitting that they were never going home. We helped her come to terms with that for her own financial wellbeing.”
Shannon is known by her clients not just as a financial expert but as someone who genuinely cares. She was included in a Sunday Times guide to the UK’s top professionals, and is rated as one of VouchedFor’s top advisors based purely on reviews. Shannon is particularly skilled in working with private individuals and families, trustees and charities, bringing them not only her technical ability but her understanding, transparency of service and ongoing relationship.
Qualifications and accreditation:
Chartered Wealth Manager (CISI)
Certified Financial Planner (CISI)
CII Advanced Financial Planning Certificate (Dip PFS)
UK Society of Investment Professionals Investment Management Certificate (IMC)
Included in a Sunday Times guide to the UK’s Top Professionals
Rated at one of VouchedFor’s top advisers
Past experience:
Investment Director for BDO Stoy Hayward Investment Management
Director of Perceptive Planning